OBS Studio Commands

Control OBS Studio with commands from your DeviceJockey.

DeviceJockey Setup

Basic Forms

SET the status in OBS Studio

  "d": {
    "requestData": {
      "sceneName": "Scene1"
    "requestType": "SetCurrentProgramScene",
    "requestId": "F718DA2E-0BA3-4271-B05D-983C0BB5709B"
  "op": 6,
  "rpcVersion": 1

GET the status from OBS Studio

  "d": {
    "requestType": "GetCurrentProgramScene",
    "requestId": "F718DA2E-0BA3-4271-B05D-983C0BB5709B"
  "op": 6,
  "rpcVersion": 1


The request type, such as “GetCurrentProgramScene” to request the current scene in OBS Studio or “SetCurrentProgramScene” to request a scene change in OBS Studio.


Additional data like  “sceneName” to define the scene OBS Studio has to change to.


Identifies the request (used for internal purpose).


OBS Websocket version code (used for internal purpose).

Add Commands

OBS Value/Range

Add OBS Value or OBS Range commands to your items in DeviceJockey to control OBS Studio.


The JSON field has a key role.
It is used define the commend that will be sent to OBS Studio.


You can create your JSON from scratch or tap the template button and use predefined commands.

Format JSON

Use the brush to reformat your JSON.


Use undo to restore changes you have made.


Tap the history to use JSON text you have entered before.
Press the history long to get a list off all entries in the history.

OBS Clear Buffer

Use this command to clear the event buffer.
The buffer stores the last twenty received events from OBS Studio and is used when creating OBS events.

OBS Set Swap From List

This command requests one of these possible sources from OBS Studio

  • Scenes
  • Inputs
  • Outputs
  • Hotkeys

You can select an entry and set it in a swap as value.

Change Scene


Create a new button on your panel.

Then edit the button and add an “OBS Value” command to the tap action.


Select the button for the templates.

Select “Set current program scene” from the list.

To make it easier to find the entry, you can also enter “Scene” in the search bar at the top.

Scene Name

After you have selected the entry, the request that is sent to OBS to change a scene appears in the JSON.

Look for the “sceneName” attribute in the JSON and change its value from “scene” to the name of the scene you want OBS to switch to.

Complete the editing using the check mark in the top right.

You should see your newly created entry in the list of tapped commands.

Close all editing windows.

If you press the button now, OBS will switch to your desired scene.

Mute Audio Source


Create a new toggle on your panel.

Then edit the toggle and add an “OBS Range” command to the toggle action.


Select the button for the templates.

Select “Set mute” from the list.

Input Name

After you have selected the entry, the request that is sent to OBS to mute an audio source appears in the JSON.

Look for the “inputName” attribute in the JSON and change its value from “video” to the name of the audio source that OBS should mute.

Dynamic Value Attribute

In addition to the JSON, the template filled out three other fields.

“Dynamic value attribute” gets the name of the attribute whose value should change in the JSON when the toggle is turned on or off.

Switch On/Off

The “Switch on” field receives the value for the toggle being switched on.

The “Switch off” field contains the value for switched off toggle.

With these settings, the “inputMuted” attribute is dynamically set with the values ​​”true” for audio source on and “false” for audio source muted, depending on whether the toggle is turned on or off.

Complete the editing using the check mark in the top right.

You should see your newly created entry in the list of switch toggle state commands.

Close all editing windows.

Use your toggle to switch the audio source on and off.

Adjust audio volume


Create a new slider or rotary on your panel.

Then edit the item and add an “OBS Range” command to the slider/rotary action.


Select the button for the templates.

Select “Set audio volume db” from the list.

Input Name

After you have selected the entry, the request that is sent to OBS to set the volume of an audio source appears in the JSON.

Look for the “inputName” attribute in the JSON and change its value from “video” to the name of the audio source whose volume you want OBS to change.

Dynamic Value Attribute

In addition to the JSON, the template filled out three other fields.

“Dynamic value attribute” gets the name of the attribute whose value should change in the JSON when the slider is changed.

Slider Top/Bottom

The “Slider top” field receives the value for the slider is being at the top.

The “Slider bottom” field contains the value for the slider is being at the bottom.

With these settings, the “inputVolumeDb” attribute is dynamically set with the values between 0 and -100, depending on where the slider is set.

Complete the editing using the check mark in the top right.

You should see your newly created entry in the list of slider changed commands.

Close all editing windows.

Use your slider or rotary to switch the volume of the audio source.

Learn more about OBS Events
Download example scenes