XML Control Setup
It is important that XML Control is started in the CCS one or the MCP 450.
The DeviceJockey appears as a client in the list, if the connection to Grass Valley is successful,

This example let you control the red gain of a Grass Valley Camera with a Slider.
Use the tabs below to step through this example. Have fun!
Step 1
- Create a new Scene in DeviceJockey and rename it to “GV Red Gain”
- Add a Grass Valley interface to the scene.
- Enter the IP and port of the available Grass Valley Gateway in the interface settings.
- Switch on the interfaces in the DeviceJockey with the button in the upper right corner.
If the connection button stays red, check again whether the IP address is entered correctly and the XML control has started in the gateway. Your iPhone or iPad must have an active connection to the network.
Step 2
- Add a Slider to the panel.
- Edit the Slider and add a GV Range command to the function “Slider”.
- Choose whether you want to address the camera via the camera number or the device ID.
- With the button, which is located to the right of the history button, you can select the camera number or the device ID from the list of connected cameras. This option assumes that there is an active connection between the DeviceJockey and Grass Valley.
- The Slider should control the red gain in the camera. Select the relevant entry from the function list.
- The list also shows what range of values Grass Valley expects for this function. Enter these values for Slider Top and Slider Bottom. Or just press the history buttons. The values are then transferred to the fields.
- Confirm the command with the checkmark in the top right corner and return to the panel.
- Activate the live mode of the panel and move the Slider.
The camera should now change its red gain with your Slider. Congratulations!
Step 3
The aim is that the slider shows the current value for the red gain of the camera. If you change the red gain elsewhere, for example at the OCP, the slider should follow this value.To make this possible, the slider needs an event.
- Put the panel back into edit mode.
- Edit the Slider and create a new GV Range event to the function “Slider”
- In the event you can use the history buttons to take the input from the previously command. Select the buttons for the camera number or the device ID and then those for the top slider value and the bottom slider value.
- Complete the creation by selecting the checkmark.
You are now ready to fully control the red gain of the camera. Well done!