OBS Studio

Control your OBS Studio with the DeviceJockey via the OBS WebSocket.

Our interface provides you with the freedom to fully customize your requests to OBS Studio and events from OBS Studio.
By using JSON, you have full access to the functionality of the OBS WebSocket. You are not limited to individual fixed requests. Templates assist you in creating requests. Events from OBS Studio are stored in a buffer, from which you can select your desired JSON.

Setup OBS Studio

Websocket Settings

Open OBS Studio.

Go to “Tools” and open “Websocket Server Settings”.

Since OBS Studio 28.0 the obs-websocket is included by default.
No extra plugin needs to be installed.



Enable authentication and tap “Generate Password”.

Then tap “Show Connection”.

QR Code

You will see a QR code with connecting informations.

Leave the QR code open as you will need it next during the DeviceJockey setup.

Setup DeviceJockey


Add a new scene and select it.


Add an “OBS Studio” interface to the scene.


Tap on the new added  “OBS Studio” interface to open the interface settings.

Tap on “Scan QR Code” and scan the QR code that is shown in your OBS Studio websocket settings.

Complete the editing using the check mark in the top right.

OBS Studio Toolbox

Download the toolbox and develop your first panel right away.

The OBS Studio toolbox can help you create your own surfaces.
Download the scene and import it into DeviceJockey.
You can copy items from this scene into your own scene and use them.

Download OBS Studio Toolbox v4

More Information

Learn more about OBS Commands
Learn more about OBS Events
Download example scenes